Softweb Solutions
Softweb Solutions
Achieving worker safety and new levels of operational performance are some of the biggest concerns of organizations today. Enterprises are looking for new ways to provide a safe work environment and that’s exactly what we are going to cover in this webinar.
The convergence of global industrial systems with wearables and low-cost sensors not only connect machinery but also field workers including mine workers, fire fighters and construction workers with a centralized system. The webinar will help you explore smart, innovative solutions to ensure industrial workplace safety by providing time visibility of your workers’ environment and safety conditions across different remote operational scenarios. In all, if you want to explore new solutions to reduce risk for workers and prevent accidents or injuries from occurring onsite, then you must attend this webinar.
The following are the answers to the questions that were asked during the live webinar.
Answer 1: For sure, we can support this requirement. After doing the site inspection, we will create a gap analysis report and suggest you the right set of hardware/sensors if data acquisition is needed. Ethan, we have vast hardware options matching your industry and compliance needs.
Once we start collecting the data, we can automate the alerts and notifications based on the conditional readings. Also, our platform helps you create your own rules and threshold limit for device/working zones on which the alarms can be triggered.
Answer 2: Yes, the solution is very much customizable in terms of data analytics and alerts/notification. Our solution is developed on top of the IoTConnect™ platform which is hardware agnostic, allowing us to set up rules and threshold values based on the devices we onboard. These devices can come up with their own set of min & max limits and data points as per the specific compliances. So we can also create rules accordingly.
Answer 3: 5G is little early to comment on. Nonetheless, we have been deploying solutions leveraging 4G/LTE and NB-IoT for data transmission. Also, a standard implementation of such a solution is always a combination of the edge-and cloud-based setup. Wherein essential rules and commands are residing on the edge gateway and cloud become a data repository for future analytics.
Having said that, the approach for data travel and storage has to be distinctive depending on the site locations and infrastructure dependencies.
Answer 4: Drones are very much used in smart agriculture or in a remote area if you like to cover. Drones are majorly used for video surveillance. When we talk about worker safety, it is very much associated with monitoring workers’ physiological activities and motion activities. So, one has to go with the technology which is bind with individual worker. Still, we are open to discuss if you have any specific use case in motion in your organization.
Answer 5: This platform is designed to work in an infrastructure-agnostic manner. So any hardware which can transmit data in a digital form can be by far connected with the platform. The platform is designed in a way that it has everything ready in terms of channelizing your data, and also allows you to define rules and notifications on where you want. To make this happen, our platform is compatible with any hardware and software integrations. However, if you face any difficulty or need any specific information on integrations, we are happy to discuss at length.
Answer 6: This is a widespread problem. Also, there have been issues with damaging and stealing of the devices. Usually, we define a strategy to bind the workers with unique identifiers. With that, we can restrict users not to exchange their devices with anyone.
Also, an important point is our platform gives a flag notification if any irregularity gets detected in data transmission from any device. So if the particular worker device is not generating a data, then the system will notify a supervisor.
Answer 7: The platform has a dynamic user module so along with workers you can also add supervisors and higher authorities. Now if you’d like to track the higher authorities along with workers, you need to bind the wearable and then you can track. We can surely talk about the specific use case if you have any.