About Event

Bitcoin and cryptocurrency are two of the hottest topics in technology today, recently being bantered about by the likes of Warren Buffet and Bill Gates among others. The power behind cryptocurrency is blockchain. However, blockchain has much more usefulness than just being the ledger behind the exchange of cryptocurrency.

Blockchain for business allows this technology to be used to improve multiple business processes. Common uses being discussed involve food safety, supply chain, trade finance and more.

Blockchain for business requires trust. It requires a shared ledger, smart contracts, privacy and proof. This event will help differentiate between blockchain used for Bitcoin and the blockchain IBM knows will change the way businesses manage transactions. Additionally, you will get hands-on with one of the blockchain technologies behind blockchain for business, Hyperledger Fabric.

Through a hands-on lab with Hyperledger Composer, attendees will learn to:

Explore blockchain framework

A brief understanding on Hyperledger Fabric frameworks

Develop process

Understanding and modeling business network

Test application

Deploying to the Fabric and testing the application

Note:Attendees should bring their own laptop.


  • Brief on blockchain framework
  • Modeling language
  • Model a business network
  • Test the network
  • Explore the business network for deployment

About the presenter

Chris Tyler is an IBM Technical Evangelist with over 25 years of experience in data, analytics and software development. He helps IBM Partners leverage IBM Cloud and Cognitive technologies to bring new products and services to market. Chris is an expert in embedded analytics and speaks to audiences around the globe on how to build applications using Blockchain, IoT and Analytics. You can find him on Twitter or LinkedIn.

Meet Our Representative

Chris Tyler

Chris Tyler

Sr. Cloud Architect and Cognitive Evangelist,