Get ready for the new breed of data analysis

The data-intensive nature of businesses puts business intelligence at the core of success. Companies depend on decisions that can be backed up with verifiable data. Softweb’s Power BI developers help organizations to uncover insights hidden in their data and enhance data exploration. Power BI enables users to monitor and analyze a broad range of live data through easy-to-use dashboards, interactive reports, and compelling data visualizations.

  • Back up your decisions with verifiable data
  • Do away with fragmented and costly BI technologies
  • Empower your entire organization with self-service business intelligence

Transformation-oriented data analysis

Power BI by numbers @ Softweb Solutions

  • Co-hosted 15+ Meetups with Microsoft in Chicago & Dallas
  • Conducted 50+ Workshops on Power BI
  • Dedicated 50+ developers for Power BI
  • Developed 1000+ Dashboards in Power BI
  • Integrated 500+ Data sources with Power BI
Build interactive dashboard

Power BI consulting services to take your business to new heights

  • Connect data sources
    Connect unstructured, structured, or semi-structured data
  • Analytics & visualizations
    Full set of services from consulting, strategy, development and support
  • R scripts for machine learning
    Get deep analytical insights without hiring a dedicated R developer
  • Reports & dashboards
    View and share reports on any device and take faster decisions.
  • Power BI integration services
    Integrate with third party technologies and eliminate the need for specialized software.
  • Onshore Power BI Consultants
    Need dedicated support? Our Power BI experts are available anywhere.

Power BI Proof of Concept Program

Your data can reveal key insights and business critical information that was not readily available before. With machine learning technology, your data can reveal patterns to generate predictive models.

We will transform those insights into comprehensible graphical format for easy readability. A vital advantage of our data visualization program is that it not only provides graphical representation of data but also allows updating as more data comes in, omitting what is not required, and browsing deeper to get further details.

Get started with our PoC

1 Connect Data Sources

  • Find data sources

    We will identify the critical datasets, the format they reside in, determine their complexities, and prepare for data ingestion and processing.

  • Devise a strategy

    Our data experts will chalk a plan to determine the ideal representation of the identified datasets, which will help in creating the desired reports.

2 Build dashboards

  • Create reports

    We will guide you through the Power BI interface and explain the cloud as well as the desktop versions so that you can generate interactive reports from anywhere.

  • Develop dashboards

    Learn how to assemble numerous reports to create a dashboard from where you can quickly find all the information required to gain actionable insights.

3Explore Additional Insights

  • Deployment

    Integrate with your existing enterprise system for easy sharing and viewing across all devices and give your decision makers access to business insights.

  • Roadmap

    If all goes well, which we are sure it will, our solution architects will create a detailed roadmap to implement Power BI across your whole organization.

Visualize any data, from anywhere and in any
way through Power BI connectors

Power BI Connectors


We have an extensive hands-on experience in designing and provisioning visualizations to gain a competitive edge by leveraging innovative data visualizations.


We have a strong legacy of Microsoft technologies with a partnership spanning over a decade allowing us to inculcate a data-driven approach with insights at the forefront.


We empower our clients with the ability to develop relationships, drive innovation, improve operations, and build connections while simplifying complex configurations and integrations.

Recent Case Study

Unified platform to view real-time insights for a healthcare firm

Our data experts transform the client’s raw data into useful insights that display all the necessary information which enables them to compare the proposed standards with different hierarchies like divisions, regions, groups, and areas.

Smart office dashboard for a leading real estate company

Customizable dashboard provides overview of office occupancy situations. Analytics reports help the client in achieving optimal space optimization. Automated measurement solution to determine the occupancy of the floor in real-time. Generate heat maps of the occupied space along with other occupancy related reports.

Expression of interest

The future beckons!

Make safe passage to a new land of opportunity with us!